A Powerful Program That Provides Teens
With The Knowledge And Life Skills They Need To THRIVE

Is your teen struggling with confidence, direction, or motivation? Are you feeling frustrated or maybe a little hopeless not knowing how to help?  

I am Coach Farrah, and I have created a Mindset Masterclass specifically for teenagers just like yours.
My course includes powerful lessons with frameworks, tools, and techniques teens can use to feel more empowered, inspired, and capable of achieving their goals in school and life. 

My program has five modules that focus on key areas of personal growth and success. The things we find ourselves saying as adults - "If only I knew this when I was younger!"  

On This Journey We Will Take Together I Will Share The Knowledge, Life Skills, And Tools I Have Used To Create The Life Of My Dreams

So Your Teen Can Move Past Whatever Is Holding Them Back And Realize Their Highest Potential Too

I know just how successful this course can be because I struggled as a teen and young adult before I was introduced to the life-skills and techniques I teach in my program. The same tools I have used to create the life of my dreams. Teens need to understand IQ is not the determining factor for success!



"Farrah, it's not that you aren't smart, it's that you don't believe in your ability to improve and succeed." 
Mrs. Anne Aubourg

When I was a teen, I was an average student, which crushed my confidence and motivation. I had a fixed mindset regarding my ability to grow and learn new things, so I didn't push myself to improve.

That was until a special teacher gave me the gift of a growth mindset. She helped me understand I had infinite potential if I applied myself. 

She had such a profound impact on my life. It is now my goal to teach teens they too can accomplish anything with the right mindset, hard work, resilience, and the proper habits.

Once I learned my natural abilities weren't a lifelong sentence for mediocrity I became unstoppable!

A Powerful Program That Provides Teens With A Competitive Edge By Helping To Foster And Develop Their Full Potential.

  • Identify core limiting belief(s) and reframe critical thoughts.
  • Develop a growth mindset around learning and improving talents, skills, and abilities.
  • Recognize triggering thoughts and better manage emotional responses.
  • ​Manage stress and overwhelm with mindfulness and meditation techniques.
  • Identify passion(s) and purpose for direction, motivation, and inspiration.
  • ​Build resiliency around setbacks, failure, and rejection.
  • Incorporate healthier habits for high performance.


In the first module, I help your teen identify what core limiting beliefs are holding them back from realizing and achieving their highest potential. I show them how to reframe their critical thoughts so they can shift to a healthier and more empowered way of thinking. And finally, I help them develop a growth mindset around their ability to learn, grow, and improve.


In the second module, they will learn about the inner workings of their brain and the physiology behind how their thoughts directly impact their emotions. This will provide them with the knowledge and tools needed to quickly recognize triggering thoughts and better manage their emotional responses.


In the third module, they will learn how to become more present, relaxed, and self-aware through mindfulness meditation techniques. When teens are centered and grounded in the present moment, they can cope better, see situations more clearly, and make wiser decisions.


In the fourth module, I will help your teen identify their greatest passions, giving them more purpose, direction, and motivation. Knowing what they are truly passionate about will boost their confidence and make them feel more inspired to work hard and reach their goals.


In the fifth and final module, I will teach your teen the importance of resilience. I genuinely believe the individuals who know how to overcome roadblocks, setbacks, failure, and rejection reach their highest potential and live the most fulfilling lives. 
Give your teen the gift of CONFIDENCE, DIRECTION, and MOTIVATION!
For Only $47.00
Yes! For the price of $47, you can get access to a framework that took me THOUSANDS of dollars to create and YEARS to learn!

YES COACH FARRAH! Give Me Instant Access To The Mindset Masterclass for Teens Course RIGHT NOW
For Just $47.00 !
Farrah is Certified Life Coach, 
CIJ Insight for Life Instructor, and Director at a World-Renowned Charity!
Farrah received her Bachelor's degree in Psychology from UCLA and is a certified Life Coach for teens. 

Farrah is also a certified CIJ Insight for Life Instructor. The CIJ program is based on a curriculum first taught to students in Stanford University's famed Master's Degree course, Creativity in Business (CIB). Due to its overwhelming popularity and the profound impact on graduate students, the course was modified for teens. CIJ Insight for Life has been so successful that the program has been translated into ten different languages and is taught in ten countries.
Farrah is a proud alumna of Brendon Burchard's world-renowned High-Performance Coaching Academy. SUCCESS Magazine and Oprah Magazine both named him one of the most influential leaders in personal growth and achievement. Forbes named him the world’s leading high-performance coach. 
Farrah regularly contributes to Entrepreneur as a member of the Entrepreneur Leadership Network, and her advice on personal and professional development has also been featured on Forbes. In addition, she is a regular contributor to Arianna Huffington's wellness and performance platform Thrive Global. She is one of Arianna's Thrive Stars (wellness ambassadors), inspiring others to be their best self through healthy daily habits. 
Yahoo Finance named Farrah one of the Top 10 Life Coaches Who Will Elevate Your Life in 2021 and Brainz Magazine named her as one of the 7 Women Female Entrepreneurs Changing the World. Coach Farrah is also a proud TEDx speaker!

Coach Farrah's Clients Complete Her Powerful Program With A Deeper Knowledge Of Who They Are, Practical Approaches For Creating What They Want, And Skills To Move Through School And Life With Confidence, Direction, And Self-Reliance. 

Time Is Of The Essence...
This is a LIMITED OFFER at this price
You Must Act Fast!
It would be my honor and pleasure to help you teen realize their worth and live up to their full potential.

Thanks again,
Coach Farrah 
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